2021 - 2022 Varsity Band
Varsity Band is the level I band for students in 9th grade. This course meets in two different sections (3rd hour & 4th hour) and will come together for concerts. The two classes will rehearse the same music and have the same instruction on technical skills, music theory and music history.
Below is a full list of concerts along with combined rehearsals:
Thursday, October 14th - CPHS Auditorium - 7:30pm
Thursday, December 16th - CPHS Auditorium - 7:30pm
Wednesday, December 22nd - Band Exchange concert with JMS - Daytime
Thursday, February 24th - CPHS Auditorium - 7:30pm
Tuesday, May 17th - CPHS Auditorium - 7:30pm
Sunday, June 5th - Graduation, Mariucci Arena, U of M Campus - 7:00pm
2019 - 2020 Varsity Band Syllabus
Google Calendar of our concerts HERE